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Do you have courses with content that is reused from one term to the next? When you add new courses, you can use an existing course as a template and copy the content from the old course over to the new. Administrators can create course templates that can be shared with the whole site or organisations within the site.
To create courses based on a template and share a course as a template, your profile must have the site profile settings Create courses based on a template (enabled by default for staff and administrators) and Allowed to share a course as a template (enabled for administrators by default) enabled. Another setting, Allowed to apply a template to other courses, allows users with this permission to apply a template to one or more courses from the template course itself. The same template can also be used to update courses multiple times without creating copies of previously added content.
If Allowed to share a course as a template is enabled, you can share the course as a template from Settings >> Course properties and features. Courses that are shared as templates are indicated with 'This course is shared as a template' under the title on the course dashboard.