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A project is a closed area for collaboration and information exchange among the project participants. Remember that the project is a closed area. You must either be a project manager or a project participant in order to access this area. Most users are allowed to create projects, and you can decide yourself who to invite as participants. If you do not have the Project tab in the top menu, your school or organisation has turned off the project function for your profile.

Note: Projects can be surveyed by an administrator if it is suspected that the project is used for unwanted activities.


A project is in many ways similar to a course, with the following important differences. Learners are normally allowed to add projects. This means that the learners are allowed to work on projects to which no teachers have access. This means that the project function can be used for both private and school-related activities. A group of friends can, for example, use itslearning as an online meeting place and share ideas, files and other content.

Study groups

The project function is also perfect for study groups. Here you and your fellow learners can create your own private space in itslearning where you can choose your own roles and invite others to participate in the study groups. Here you can communicate by means of the internal message system and create discussions. You can add and share documents, and submit group hand-ins together.

Compared to courses, you cannot:

However, you can add folders, files, notes, pictures with descriptions, lessons, discussions, conferences, process-oriented documents, surveys, and explaining sequences. Read more about this subject...

Note: Even if most users have access to projects in itslearning, it is possible for system administrators to disable the project function from a user profile.

Navigation tree and work area

ClosedThe navigation tree

The work area main page

The work area main page provides an overview of news and changes in the course.

The work area main page consists of: 

ClosedBulletin board
ClosedActivities to and including
ClosedNew and edited elements since

Project settings

The project settings are located in the navigation tree. Manage the project by, for example, adjusting the appearance, deleting the project or saving it in the archive.

When a project is finished, you can choose whether to delete it or save it in the archive. Projects that are deleted are permanently gone, while projects that are saved in the archive are hidden from the main list of projects, but can easily be retrieved. It is recommended that you save projects you want to use for future reference in the archive.

Project settings how to's

ClosedManaging the project settings
ClosedDeleting a project
ClosedSaving a project in the archive
ClosedRetrieving a project from the archive

Project participants

The project manager can invite and delete project participants. Participants are invited using the internal message system. The invited person receives a message with a Yes and No button which makes it easy to accept or decline the invitation. When the invited person clicks Yes or No, the message is returned to the project manager with the answer. Yes means that the person accepts the invitation and becomes a participant in the project. No means that the person declines the invitation. Invited users who have not yet answered are listed on the "Invited users" list. If they decline an invitation, they are automatically removed from this list. Participants who accept the invitation are listed in the project participant list.

Project participant how to's

ClosedInviting participants to a project
ClosedDeleting participants
ClosedSending a message to a project


It is possible to sort the project participants into groups. You can create an unlimited number of groups, and all groups can have one or more subgroups. Groups are useful if you want to separate the project content. You can use groups to grant different permissions to elements or grant permissions to multiple users. For example: You can add an assignment that is visible to one specific group in the project. A link to the groups is located in the navigation tree. By clicking this you are allowed to create, edit and delete groups and group participants.

Groups how-tos

ClosedAdding a group
ClosedAdding a subgroup
ClosedChanging group title
ClosedDeleting a group
ClosedAdding group participants
ClosedDeleting group participants

Project links

This function is located in the navigation tree if the project manager has enabled this option in the project settings. Here you can add links that are useful to the project. The links can be grouped in categories for easier sorting and navigation. You can add external links and links from Your web files in itslearning. itslearning allows you to sort the links into different categories. The categories are used to sort links that belong logically together.

Project links how-tos

ClosedAdding an external link
ClosedAdding an internal link
ClosedEditing a link
ClosedAdding a category
ClosedEditing a category
ClosedOrganising a category