You are here: Site configuration and administration > Parents

Getting started with the parent dashboard


The parent dashboard is add-on product to the ordinary itslearning license. To enable it on your site, contact itslearning.

This topic describes how to enable the parent dashboard and import users. For information on how to control what information parents can see and set up and manage summary dashboards, see the Parent dashboard topic.

Before a school can start using the parent feature, a system administrator must:

Enabling the parent dashboard

A system administrator can enable the parent dashboard by following these steps:

  1. Click the Admin tab.
  2. Click Edit global settings.
  3. Click General.
  4. Under Available functions, check the box behind Enable parent login.
  5. Click Save.

Importing parent users

In order to use the parent dashboard, all parents must have an itslearning account. The most common approach is to import CSV files with parent users. A synchronisation key is mandatory for automatic connection of the parents and children. Assign parent users to the Parent profile. See the best-practice examples below to avoid the most common mistakes.

CSV file example:

First name Last name User name Password Pupil sync key E-mail
Martha Archer martharcher 43fdjD56F RGB346 [email protected]
Peter Johnson peterjohnson 65Fgos34a RGB6323 [email protected]

By means of the CSV file above, the parents are automatically connected to their children.

Best practice for importing parents from CSV files

  1. Keep children and parents in separate import files in order to provide children and parents with different profiles.
  2. Import the children first.
  3. In the parents file:

A. Importing two children

SyncID User name First name Last name ChildID
1 son1 Jim Dickinson  
2 son2 Johnny Dean  

B. Handling cases where the child has more than one parent

SyncID User name First name Last name ChildID
222 mom Elizabeth Dickinson 1
333 dad Robert Dickinson 1

C. Handling cases where parents have more than one child – this file should be split into two files, one file with childID 1 and one with childID 2

SyncID User name First name Last name ChildID
222 mom Elizabeth Dickinson 1
333 dad Robert Dickinson 1
SyncID User name First name Last name ChildID
222 mom Elizabeth Dickinson 2
333 dad Robert Dickinson 2

Setting up the synchronisation -– connecting parents to children

At the bottom of the Import users from file page are two fields under Parent relationship that are important for connecting parent users to the correct children:

Synchronisation field in import file: Here you tell itslearning what field to use when connecting parents to their children - also called synchronising. The alternatives in the drop-down list are retrieved from the CSV file from which you are importing. In the above example, the synchronisation field would be ChildID. In this example, the ChildID value is a number, but it could also have been, for example, the child’s username. Note that the synchronisation field must be unique.

Matching synchronisation field for child: This field must match the selection you have made for Synchronisation field in import file, above, and tells itslearning what kind of field the Synchronisation field in the import file involve. You can select from three alternatives: Internal person ID, Synchronisation key, and Username. If the synchronisation field in the import file contains usernames, select Username as the matching synchronisation field. If you have a SyncID field in your CSV file, then select Synchronisation key.

Manually editing parent/child relationships

Administrators can manually connect or remove parents of learners. To connect a parent to a learner:

  1. Click the Admin tab.
  2. Click Users and access rights.
  3. Click the edit icon behind the learner for whom you want to add parents.
  4. Click the Parent tab.
  5. Click + Parent.
  6. Search for the parent or parents, check the box in front of their names, and click OK.

To remove a parent from a learner, simply click the deletion icon in the Remove column.

Distributing user names and passwords

There are several ways to distribute user names and passwords. The user names and passwords can be sent automatically to the parent's e-mail address from the Admin interface >> Users and access rights. It is also possible to print the login information and send it by post.