You are here: Scheduling and planning > Resource booking

Resource booking

itslearning's resource booking allows you to create resources – such as meeting rooms, cameras, computers, smartboards and projectors – and let other users book them in the calendar.

Getting started with resource booking

There are two profile settings connected to the resource booking:

When Manage resources is enabled for a profile, this option becomes available in the Admin interface:

See the How-tos section for step-by-step instructions.

Booking resources in the calendar

Those whose profiles that have Resource booking enabled will see an Add resource option when adding events to the calendar.

The screenshot shows the resource booking overview. Available resources are shown in green, while those already booked are in red. Booked resources cannot be booked by others.

When adding recurring events, you may see that a resource is labelled 'Partially booked'. This means that the resource is booked by other users some of the recurring days, but not all. When an already partially booked resource is booked, it will be booked for those days on which it is available.

Availability statuses

Only resources that are marked as available can be booked, but some resources are marked as booked or partially booked.

Enabling or disabling resource booking

Site administrators can enable or disable Resource booking for their site from Administration >> Edit global settings >>Features and security. Tick or untick Enable resource booking under Available functions.


ClosedGranting profiles rights to add and edit resources
ClosedGranting profiles access for booking resources
ClosedCreating resources
ClosedBooking a resource