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Your files

All itslearning users have their own file area. The size of this area is decided by the system administrator, who can adjust the area to individual needs. The file area is divided into two parts – a closed part (Your private files) and an open part (Your web files). In order to gain access to this area, click the ePortfolio tab on the main menu, then click Your files. Some profiles have a Your files tab in the main menu.

Your private files

This is a closed file area. This means that only you have access to the files that are stored in Your private files. These files cannot be used in elements and learning tools in itslearning. If you want to share some of the files in Your files with others, you have to use Your web files.

Your web files

As opposed to the private files, Your web files is an open web area. If you are going to share files with others, or use the files as elements in learning tools, communities or courses, they have to be stored in Your web files. In general, all files that are stored in the web files can be accessed by anyone with Internet access. You can find the URL for your files by adding the file name to the homepage link. For example: if you store a file called in Your web files, it can be accessed from a link like this:

Files in courses

Some courses have their own folders in Your files. These folders contain the files and elements that you use in this specific course. The course files are basically the same as Your web files, but are connected to a specific course.


ClosedAdding a file
ClosedAdding a new folder
ClosedUploading a file
ClosedMoving, copying and deleting files
ClosedExtracting files