You are here: Reusing and sharing content > Course catalogue

Course catalogue

If a site has enabled the course catalogue, you can browse through a wide variety of courses that you can enrol to. The course catalogue has similarities to the community course catalogue, but is used within your site, and not externally.

The course catalogue allows you to make your course openly available for enrolment within your site. A link to the course catalogue can be made visible on the login page.

There are three different course catalogues in itslearning:


Local course catalogue

ClosedAdding a course to the local course catalogue
ClosedEnrolling to a course in the local course catalogue

ClosedApproving or rejecting an application

Site course catalogue

ClosedAdding a course to the site course catalogue
ClosedEnrolling to a course in the site course catalogue
ClosedApproving or rejecting an application